Friday, December 3, 2010

Skechers Shape-ups, walking on air!

This time it was for some Trainers called Shape Ups Skechers Shape Ups are trainers that allow you to get in to shape without spending time at a gym, hard to believe I know, but true non the less.
So there I was, my parcel had arrived with the Skechers in a big box, I couldn’t wait to get them out of the box and try them on!
Upon opening the box and removing the protective lining around the Shape-Ups I discovered a black pair just waiting for me to put on my feet and DVD & booklet explaining how the Shape-Ups work by giving you a work out while you walk, sounds good to me
Now according to the booklet the Skechers are designed to promote weight loss and tone muscles in seven areas of the body:
  1. Improves posture
  2. Improves blood circulation
  3. Strengthens the back
  4. Tightens abdominal muscles
  5. Firms buttocks muscles
  6. Reduces cellulite and tones thighs
  7. Firms calf muscles
This all from just walking around, ideal for walking the dogs, excercise without been too strenuous!
So now would be the time to get them on my feet and get out and about and see how they feel, for starters, they are so comfortable, it’s like floating on air when you start walking around, the bottom of the Shape-Ups are not like ordinary trainers they are curved so that when you walk you produce a rocking method which in turn will do the desired effects that the Skechers are designed for.
Of course you should remember before doing any exercise, however small, that you should do a warm up first and thankfully printed on the label of the trainers is a handy information on how you can do a warm up in four easy steps just by standing upright and performing basic movement with your trainers on to get in the routine of your warm ups, there is even advice on the correct way to walk, to get the full potential of these extremely comfortable trainers.
My training regime didn’t start of that well I’m afraid, no nothing to do with the trainers, but the weather, it was horrible weather the day I wanted to start using them so I had to miss a day and start off on the Sunday instead, but at least I got to wear them around the house to get used to them.
So on to the first day of proper use, on Sunday I took the dogs for a nice long walk after getting back I could feel my calf muscles and abdominal muscles pulling ever so slightly,  I also seemed to have walked further than usual, this was probably due to how comfortable the Shape Ups actually are.
It’s now been a week since I’ve worn them and people have said that my posture is better and I do walk a lot further than I used to! My calf muscles have strengthened, also I have felt other muscles tightening such as my abdominals. So my verdict on these Shape Ups is ……
Yes they do work, as long as you keep to it and use them when you can, even going shopping or cleaning the house! So if you don’t have time for the gym or just need that incentive to get a little fitter without all the hard work, then I would say these are ideal, even if you are only taking the dogs for a walk, you are getting into a routine for the Shape Ups to do their job!

tReds best place to buy all collection of Skechers check it new collection are available 


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